The Sky Above and The Sand Bellow

Better Outdoor Life

"Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt."
- John Muir

Explore the great outoors

my son at the edge of Bill Evans Lake New Mexico
Bill Evans Lake

Bill Evans Lake is one of our favorite lakes in SW New Mexico, nestled on the outskirts of the Gila National Forest.

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Gila National Forest

Rich in history and culture the Gila National Forest offers numerous hiking trails, campsites, and breath taking views.


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Vegetable Gardening

There is nothing more satisfying than a home-grown jalapeno, or tomato, fresh off the vine. With thousands of different varieties to choose from, and different ways to grow, it is hard to run out of inspiration. From the small container gardens to the larger raised beds, the possibilities are endless. So lets  get out side and get our hands dirty.

Cooking Outdoors

The sun at your back, a slight breeze, and a cold drink in your hand. You are master of your own destiny. Friends and family waiting in anticipation for the delicious meal only you can deliver. THE PERFECT AFTERNOON. There is definitely more than one way to skin a cat on this one (although that’s not what we will be eating).

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Explore your back yard

The speed at which we live our everyday lives, I think that sometimes we forget to breath and look up at the sky.  The layered colors of the clouds and unique shapes, remind me of our connection to nature. I recommend slowing things down, if even for a few minutes a week. I challenge you to look around your area and find a park, trail, or nature reserve and soak it in.